
We would like to thank very much our contractor, Cécile Duchêne, for her time, her patience and her dedication to the accomplishment of this project.

We also thank Guillaume Touya, head of the COGIT Laboratory at the Institut National de l’Information Géographique et Forestière (IGN), for his precious advices on the implementation of the computation of stream orders algorithms.

Greetings to the Ecole Nationale des Sciences Géographiques for the working conditions provided.

Project realised under the « CHOUCAS : Intégration de données hétérogènes et raisonnement spatial pour l’aide à la localisation des victimes en montagne » (Integration of heterogeneous data and spatial reasoning to help locating victims in mountains) project. Project funded by the French National Research Agency (project n°ANR-16-CE23-0018)

Finally, a thought to Nicolas, Luc, Marion, Alice, Jocelyn, Matthieu, Hugo and most of the time Robin, who supported us during the whole development of this project.