

class Hydroreso(self)

Do the whole stuff

class Edge(self)

Class of an Edge of the river network. Instantiated with attributes of the features of the layer of the network.

__init__(self, geom, id_edge, node_start, node_end)

Constructor of the class

  • geom – Geometry of the feature (line)
  • id_edge – ID of the edge (same as the ID of the feature; integer)
  • node_start – Start node of the edge
  • node_end – End node of the edge

Copy an Edge object. Create an Edge object that has the same attributes.

Returns:Copy of the edge
Return type:Edge object

class Node(self)

Class of a Node of the river network. Instantiated with attributes of the features of the layer of the network.

__init__(self, geom, id_node)

Constructor of the class

  • geom – Geometry of the feature (point)
  • id_node – ID of the node (ID of one of its connected edges and number 1 or 2 concatenated)

Copy a Node object. Create a Node object that has the same attributes.

Returns:Copy of the node
Return type:Node object

class Island(self)

Class of an Island of the river network.

Instantiated with the edges of the island.

__init__(self, island_edges)

Constructor of the class

Parameters:island_edges – Edges that make up the island (Edge objects)
Island_edges type:

Copy an Island object.

Create an Island object that has the same attributes.

Returns:Copy of the island
Return type:Island object

Compute the incoming and outgoing edges of the island.

Set attributes edges_in and edges_out from the edges of the island and their connections to the network.


Compute the incoming edges of the island.

Set attribute edges_in from the edges of the island and their connections to the network.


Compute the outgoing edges of the island.

Set attribute edges_out from the edges of the island and their connections to the network.

Instanciations of the classes

create_edges_nodes(features, name_column, alt_init_column, alt_final_column)

Instantiate all the Edge and Node objects that make up the river network.

The name of the river and the altitudes are attributes of the objects if the names of the columns are given in arguments.

  • features (list of QgsFeatures objects) – list of all the features of the river network layer
  • name_column (string) – name of the column of the name of the river (selected by the user, empty string if not selected)
  • alt_init_column (string) – name of the column of the initial altitude (selected by the user, empty string if not selected)
  • alt_final_column (string) – name of the column of the final altitude (selected by the user, empty string if not selected)

list of all the edges, list of all the nodes making up the river network

Return type:

list of Edge objects, list of Node objects

set_edges_connected_nodes(nodes, edges)

Fill the lists of incoming and outgoing edges of the input nodes (lists are attributes of Node objects).

The connection between nodes and edges is given by the start node and end node of each edge.

  • nodes (list of Node objects) – list of all the nodes making up the river network
  • edges (list of Edge objects) – list of all the edges making up the river network

Instanciation of Island objects from the list of the edges that make up the island.

The instantiated objects are stored as attributes of the edges that belong to the island.

Parameters:streams_in_islands (list of lists of Edge objects) – edges that belong to the island

Correct edges directions

test_direction(edges, nodes)

Test the direction of edges and return the list of abnormal edges (probable wrong direction).

Uses altitudes if known or studies links in graph if altitude is unknown.

  • edges (list of Edge objects) – list of all the edges making up the river network
  • nodes (list of Node objects) – list of all the nodes making up the river network

list of abnormal edges

Return type:

list of Edge objects


Test if a node is abnormal, ie if all its connected edges are in the same direction (all incoming or all outgoing edges) and the node is not a source nor a sink (it has more than one incoming or outgoing edge). A node that is not a source nor a sink should indeed have at least one incoming edge and one outgoing edge (unless it is a multiple source or sink).

Returns True if the node is regarded as abnormal.

Parameters:node (Node object) – node to test
next_node_of_edge(node, edge)

Return the node of the edge that is not the input node.

  • node (Node object) – current node
  • edge (Edge object) – current edge

next node of the edge

Return type:

Node object


Reverse an Edge object. The method swaps the nodes of the edge, updates the incoming and outgoing edges lists of the nodes, reverses the geometry of the edge and updates the attribute edge.reverse to True. Only the object is altered, the input layer remains unchanged.

Parameters:edge (Edge object) – edge to reverse

Reverse edges of the input list (call reverse(edge) method).

Parameters:edges_to_reverse (list of Edge objects) – list of edges to reverse
edges_to_features(list_edges, input_layer)

Transform a list of Edges objects into a list of the corresponding features of the layer.

  • list_edges (list of Edge objects) – list of the edges corresponding to the desired features
  • input_layer (QgsVectorLayer object) – layer of the features (and the corresponding edges)

list of features

Return type:

list of QgsFeatures objects

features_to_edges(list_features, edges)

Transform a list of QgsFeatures objects into a list of the corresponding Edge objects of the layer.

  • list_features (list of QgsFeatures objects) – list of the features corresponding to the desired edges
  • input_layer (QgsVectorLayer object) – layer of the features (and the corresponding edges)

list of edges

Return type:

list of Edge objects

Sources and sinks


Find source edges and sink edges of the network.

A source edge is an edge exiting a node that is only connected to this edge. A sink edge is an edge entering a node that is only connected to this edge.

Parameters:edges (list of Edge objects) – list of all the edges making up the river network
Returns:list of source edges, list of sink edges
Return type:list of Edge objects, list of Edge objects

Island detection

detect_islands(stream_layer, edges)

Detect islands in the network. Return a list of lists of the edges that make up each island.

  • stream_layer (QgsVectorLayer object) – layer of the river network
  • edges (list of Edge objects) – list of all the edges that make up the river network

list of lists of edges of the islands

Return type:

list of lists of Edge objects

polygonize(input_layer, name="temp")

Island detection algorithm. If there is no island, return None.

  • input_layer (QgsVectorLayer object) – layer of the river network
  • name (string) – name of the layer if displayed

layer of faces of the network (islands, polygons)

Return type:

QgsVectorLayer object

create_layer_geom(list_geom, crs, name="temp")

Create a Polygon layer with the input list of geometries (must be polygons).

  • list_geom (list of QgsGeometry) – list of polygons
  • crs (string (format Wkt)) – the crs of the output layer
  • name (string) – (optional) Name of the layer to display. Default = “temp”

layer of polygons

Return type:

QgsVectorLayer object


Transform the input iterator into a list.

Parameters:iterator (iterator) – the iterator to convert
Returns:the list of the values of the iterator
Return type:list

Aggregate the geometries of the input list of features into one geometry.

Parameters:listFeatures (list of QgsFeatures objects) – features to aggregate
Returns:the aggregated geometry
Return type:QgsGeometry object

Transform the input multi-polygon into a list of single-polygons.

Parameters:geom (QgsGeometry object) – multi-polygon
Returns:list of the single geometries
Return type:list of QgsGeometry objects
relate_stream_island(stream_layer, island_layer)

Return the streams inside or delimiting islands. The topology is defined by DE-9IM matrices.

  • stream_layer (QgisVectorLayer object (lines)) – the layer of the river network
  • island_layer (QgisVectorLayer object (polygons)) – the layer of the islands

list of lists of all the streams that make up the islands

Return type:

list of lists of QgisFeatures objects


Compute successive islands.

Successive islands are islands that are not adjacent, and there is no edge between them (that does not belong to an island). The topology is defined by a DE-9IM matrix. Successive islands are merged into one complex island: lists of edges of successives islands are concatenated into one list. Return the list of lists of features (edges) of the islands.

Parameters:streams_in_island_list (list of lists of QgisFeatures objects) – list of lists of all the streams that make up the islands
Returns:list of lists of all the streams that make up the islands, successive islands merged
Return type:list of lists of QgisFeatures objects

Merge lists that have at least one common element into one list.

Parameters:merged_streams_in_island_list (list of lists) – list of lists to test and merge
Returns:list of merged lists
Return type:list of lists


compute_stroke(dict_strokes, edge, list_incoming_edges)

Compute the stroke of the input edge. Return the ID of the stroke.

  • dict_strokes (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built {key= stroke ID: values= list of the edges of the stroke}
  • edge (Edge object) – edge of which the stroke is computed
  • list_incoming_edges (list of Edge objects) – list of the incoming edges of the input edge

ID of the stroke of the input edge

Return type:



Return the total length of a stroke (sum of the lengths of the geometries of the edges that make up the stroke).

Parameters:stroke (list of Edge objects) – list of edges
compute_angle(edge_in, edge_out):

Compute the angle formed by edge_in and edge_out, edge_in entering the node edge_out exits.

  • edge_in (Edge object) – one side of the angle
  • edge_out (Edge object) – one side of the angle
azimuth_angle(node_start, node_end):

Compute the azimuth of a line defined by its start node and its end node.

  • node_start (QgsPointXY object) – origin of the line
  • node_end (QgsPointXY object) – end of the line
compute_stroke_of_island(dict_strokes, island, incoming_edges_island)

Compute the stroke of the island. Return the ID of the stroke.

  • dict_strokes (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built {key= stroke ID: values= list of the edges of the stroke}
  • island (Island object) – island of which the stroke is computed
  • incoming_edges_island (list of Edge objects) – list of the incoming edges of the island

ID of the stroke of the input edge

Return type:


compute_stroke_outgoing_island(dict_strokes, dict_forks, island_id_stroke, outgoing_edges_island)

Compute the stroke of the outgoing edges of the island. Set the attribute id_stroke of the edges.

  • dict_strokes (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built {key= stroke ID: values= list of the edges of the stroke}
  • dict_forks (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built that split {key= upstream stroke ID: values= list of stroke IDs after the stroke}
  • island_id_stroke (integer) – stroke ID of the island
  • outgoing_edges_island (list of Edge objects) – list of the outgoing edges of the island
is_upstream_processed(incoming_edges, edges_to_process)

Check if all incoming edges have been processed.

Return True if processed.

  • incoming_edges (list of Edge objects) – list of edges to check (incoming edges of a current edge)
  • edges_to_process (list of Edge objects) – list of edges left to process
process_network(edges, sources_edges, orders_to_compute, edges_to_process, dict_strokes, dict_strokes_in_island, dict_forks)

Compute stream orders: Strahler, Shreve and / or Horton, according to the selection of the user.

The computed orders are attributes of the Edge objects.

  • edges (list of Edge objects) – list of all the edges making up the river network
  • sources_edges (list of Edge objects) – list of all source edges of the river network
  • orders_to_compute (list of strings) – list of the orders to compute (selected by the user)
  • edges_to_process (list of Edge objects) – list of the edges left to process
  • dict_strokes (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built (except edges of islands) {key= stroke ID: values= list of the edges of the stroke}
  • dict_strokes_in_island (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built of edges in islands ; {key= stroke ID: values= list of the edges of the stroke}
  • dict_forks (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built that split {key= upstream stroke ID: values= list of stroke IDs after the stroke}
is_in_loop(left_edge, edges_to_process)

Test if an edge is connected to a loop in the network. Return the edges of the loop in a list (return an empty list if no loop was detected).

  • left_edge (Edge object) – edge to test (could not be processed by process_network)
  • edges_to_process (list of Edge objects) – list of edges left to process

list of the edges of the loop (or empty list if no loop)

Return type:

list of Edge objects

process_loop(edges_in_loop, orders_to_compute, edges_to_process, dict_strokes_in_island)

Process edges of a loop.

Their order and their stroke take the same value. The orders are computed with orders of the incoming edges of the edges of the loop that are known (regular Strahler or Shreve, only on already processed incoming edges). The stroke is the stroke of the island (any loop is an island).

  • edges_in_loop (list of Edge objects) – list of the edges of the loop
  • orders_to_compute (list of strings) – list of the orders to compute (selected by the user)
  • edges_to_process (list of Edge objects) – list of edges left to process
  • dict_strokes_in_island (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built of edges in islands ; {key= stroke ID: values= list of the edges of the stroke}

indicate if the loop was successfully processed (can be processed only if incoming edges were already processed)

Return type:


merge_strokes(dict_strokes, dict_strokes_in_island, dict_forks)

Merge the strokes of the islands and of the forks with the main stroke.

  • dict_strokes (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built (except edges of islands) ; {key= stroke ID: values= list of the edges of the stroke}
  • dict_strokes_in_island (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built of edges in islands ; {key= stroke ID: values= list of the edges of the stroke}
  • dict_forks (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of the strokes already built that split ; {key= upstream stroke ID: values= list of stroke IDs after the stroke}

Compute the Horton order using the input strokes.

The computed orders are attributes of the Edge objects.

Parameters:dict_strokes (dictionary {integer:list of Edge objects}) – dictionary of all the strokes built, except edges in islands ; {key= stroke ID: values= list of the edges of the stroke}

Write in table

update_table(input_layer, orders_to_compute, field_reverse, edges)

Updates the table of the layer by adding a column named like the name of the order and filling it with the orders calculated before.

Updates the table with a field “reversed” if the user selected the option (True if the edge has been reversed for the computation of the orders).

  • input_layer (QgsVectorLayer object) – layer of the river network
  • orders_to_compute (list of strings) – list of the orders to compute (selected by the user)
  • field_reverse (boolean) – field reversed is added to the table (selected by the user))
  • edges (list of Edge objects) – list of all the edges making up the river network

Dialog messages


Display a message box that indicates when the input layer has been updated.


Display a message box that indicates when no stream order was checked for computation by the user.

Save output

save_output_layer(output, path_to_saving_location)

Save the output layer

  • output (QgsVectorLayer) – output layer to be saved
  • path_to_saving_location (string) – the path to the place where the layer has to be saved